edit tool and dashboard disappeared! HELP!!!!!

hi guys,

would appreciate your help immensely.

am new to C5 and after some initial work on my site last night I seem to have lost access to the Edit tool and Dashboard, so I have no access to the project.

Is there an easy solution to fix this?

It worries me that C5 can be that unstable.

I have copied the link to the site in questionhttp://flowerhead.c5host.com

Many thanks for your time and help!!!!!


landollweb replied on at Permalink Reply
Wow, that's pretty fouled up. Did you change anything in your config file, by any chance?
flowerhead replied on at Permalink Reply
at the moment i've been using c5 intuitively.

i don't write code, so i might done a wrong move along the way, but regardless it seems crazy that it should have a consequence where it wipes my Dashboard.

any ideas?

can one export this URL into a new project and carry on work there?

landollweb replied on at Permalink Reply
I see you installed an added-on theme, but it is very unusual to break the system that severely, if all you've done beyond that is edit content.

Did you move anything around in the file system? That is one scenario I can think of that might explain the page not found when you attempt to go to the login page.
flowerhead replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi L,

thank you for your reply. as i said all i did was edit. didn't mess with File Manager and Settings

is it possible to export the work from the ULR to a new project??????

any tips would be appreciated!

landollweb replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes, you can move C5 to a new location by copying files and database, and making some configuration changes to reflect the change in location. But it's not very likely to work in a new location if it's not working where it is.

I regret I don't think I can be much help on this one. Hopefully, someone else will have some ideas.