Editing bar has disappeared since 5.5.1 upgrade


I've just upgraded my new site to 5.5.1 and now the edit bar has disappeared. I can still get into the Dashboard but when I click 'Return to website' I'm taken to the site where a big blank space has appeared where the edit bar should be.

I've checked the forum before posting. I did not build the site with separate header.php and footer.php. There is just a single default.php file which contains all navigation and content.

Any help very much appreciated as I'm trying to upload the site to the server for a very impatient client!

PassionForCreative replied on at Permalink Reply
Is your theme compatible with 5.5.1? Did you upgrade from 5.4.2?

Maybe try running the upgrade script again.

I was running a site on a Zeus server (Namesco hosting) and had a similar problem after upgrade with pretty URLs enabled. I disabled Pretty URLs and the bar came up. I used the code here to create a rewrite.script file to use instead of a .htaccess and it worked. Maybe this is the problem?http://www.concrete5.org/community/forums/customizing_c5/zeus-rewrite-script/#279339
DanK replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks Stephen, for your help but the answer mkly gave worked a treat!

Thank you both, I can breathe again!
mkly replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
In that default.php you will need to add(if it's not already there)

Usually people put this in the footer div on just above the close of the body tag.
amado replied on at Permalink Reply
This worked for me too (new install, first time theme-ing) but has me wondering whether there are any other theme-ing instructions I've missed. Is it documented somewhere? Where will I find the how-to, if the tutorial video is out-of-date?
newfive replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks! This confused me to, as this wasn't required in previous versions. I echo @amado's question, is there a overview somewhere of required changes or something, like this required line of code?
nbruley replied on at Permalink Reply
I added your suggested code and it made the bar background show up, but no text or links. Any ideas what else I'm missing? I am using a highly modified touching 1.0.

(It works fine from /dashboard of course)


nbruley replied on at Permalink Reply
Problem solved: I had a javascript error on the page; apparently if that happens you don't get your admin bar.

Also note to those who aren't too familiar with code, I had to add the code to each page design template. I suppose this may depend on the way your theme is set up.
1db replied on at Permalink Reply
Okay, I'm having the same problem, and your solution won't work for me: in default.php, there is no footer div, there is no body tag. Where does this line of code go?
ansarob replied on at Permalink Reply
It goes at the end of your HTML code. Every site ends with:


So put:

<?php Loader::element('footer_required'); ?>
1db replied on at Permalink Reply
It goes, then, not in default.php, but in footer.php?
ansarob replied on at Permalink Reply
If you are using an include for your footer, then yes. Wherever you have:


That is a good way to do it, but some people throw everything in default.php, which is bad practice.
1db replied on at Permalink Reply
Okay, that worked. Thanks...quickest response to a problem I've ever gotten.