Editing in the Footer region


I am working on a client website using Concrete 5:http://www.stationviewgarage.co.uk/...

At the bottom left (in the footer) is a link and text: 'Web design by Knibbs'.

I can't find where to edit this text. I've looked in blocks and stacks but to no avail.

Could somebody please help me and tell me where I can edit this piece of text?

Thank you in anticipation


bbeng89 replied on at Permalink Reply
It might be hard-coded into the theme. Usually people put their footer code in:

The theme directory could either be in /themes or /packages/theme-package/themes

Maybe see if you can find that file and look there?
emilydiamond replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you for your quick reply. But sadly no joy as I can't seem to find the answer from the dashboard.

bbeng89 replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm not sure what you mean when you say "from the dashboard". You won't be able to find the file I was referring to from the dashboard. You'll need to actually go to that directory on your machine and look for that file. When you find it you'll need to open it up in an editor to remove the text.
emirii replied on at Permalink Reply
Go into your FTP where Conrete5 is installed, then find the theme directory. Locate this file:


it should be in there somewhere.
ConcreteOwl replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Your theme is called dotawsome_cool and it is located in your packages folder,
You must access the folder via a ftp program,
Once you find your theme folder, look inside for a folder called "Elements",
inside the elements folder you find a file called footer.php and inside this file you will see the link that you are looking for..