Editing Just Stopped Working

I have no idea what might have gone wrong here but I sure need some ideas.

Two weeks ago I set up a concrete5 installation on my hosting service, Dreamhost. Installation went fine. I started building my demo site to learn the tool. I got quite far the first night and went away impressed. Since then I've had other things to do and haven't gotten back to the project.

Tonight, I logged back in as an admin to the site. I get the editing bar and click on the "Edit" button. The page goes into edit mode. But nothing is editable. I roll over an editable piece of content, it turns gray, I click. Nothing. No menu. Nothing. And in fact, the process is hung at this point. I have to stop and super-reload the browser to get back to work.

I also notice that when I do click the Edit button, I don't get the dropdown menu shown in the tutorial video. I'm running concrete5 version and accessing the site via Firefox and Chrome on a Mac OS X system.

Please help?

Fernandos replied on at Permalink Reply
a) Can you try disabling Chrome/Firefox addons?
b) Could also be a Concrete5 addon that is raising a javascript error..

Sometimes they break sites, to verify that you can open the Web-Inspector (Javascript) Console (F13 in firefox| CTRL+SHIFT+I in Chrome) if some errors pop-up there when you click edit, something is interfering.
dshafer replied on at Permalink Reply
I have encountered some of the same JS errors iN Firefox that I'm encountering in Chrome, plus a lot of CSS errors. Here are the JS errors from the Console:

[01:15:39.290] missing ; before statement @http://spiritofmonterey.com/index.php/tools/required/i18n_js:142...
[01:15:39.411] ccmi18n is not defined @http://spiritofmonterey.com/concrete/js/jquery.colorpicker.js?v=cc6...
webchris replied on at Permalink Reply
I have encountered the same problem and what i found was a translation problem with quotes. Check the script in the browser for double quotations that comes with the translation.

My problem was
explorePages: "<?php echo t('Flat View')?>",

That was translated to swedish and in the code looked like
explorePages: ""Platt" vy",
JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
I Suspect that something you changed did not come through the cache until you came back to the site 2 weeks later, or that the last thing you did was to publish a breaking change and then leave it.

The files you are referring to are all related to javascript, either the scripts themselves or script dynamically created by C5 for internationalisation.

The symptoms you get are typical of javascript breaking fatally before the edit/dashboard bar is ready.

Things that could be happening:
- Scripts included multiple times, hence redefinition errors.
- Scripts loaded in the wrong order, hence missing definitions at the time a script executes.
- A faulty script being loaded (did you code any yourself?)

Once logged in, you may be able to get to the dashboard directly by entering the path:

Once there, you can:
- Recover from a backup
- Change the theme back to the default
- Use the site map to move pages you have edited back to previous versions
- Uninstall addons

Hopefully, at some point in the above you will undo the breaking edit.
dshafer replied on at Permalink Reply
I have reverted to the default theme. I don't see any way to delete pages. There are no backups of the site available.

When I try to edit the site, I log in and then:

1. Roll over an area of the page that is in a red box.
2. It turns gray.
3. I click. Nothing happens.
4. I double-click. A very tiny horizontal line appears
4. I click that line.
5. It disappears.
6. Rolling over any other editable area does not de-select the currently selected area (this happens even if I don't click or double-click in the area) and no other area can be selected.

I give up. I'm going to blow away the install and start over.
dshafer replied on at Permalink Reply
Turns out I won't be able to use concrete5 at all. Too bad. I thought it had huge potential. But my hosting service (Dreamhost) has stopped supporting it for one-click install because of a bunch of security problems. I could download and install it myself but the security holes make me very, very nervous.

So it's on to the next tool to evaluate.
JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
I think you have that back to front. A number of concrete5 sites (and others) have had problems because of Dreamhost's security issues. Just Google for 'Dreamhost Security Problem'.
dshafer replied on at Permalink Reply
Wow, thanks for that clarification. I checked my other hosting service, Bluehost, and they don't appear to support concrete5 as a one-click install. It's not that I am afraid to do a full-on install. I've done a lot of those. It's just that I'm on a tight deadline to do this eval for two new clients and I don't want to lose any more time. I've bookmarked concrete5 to revisit.
dshafer replied on at Permalink Reply
I just checked my other hosting service, one that I don't use often, GreenGeeks and their Fantastico doesn't list concrete5 either, so I'm SOL.
frz replied on at Permalink Reply
bluehost totally supports concrete5 as a one-click install. Goto SimpleScripts from your control panel and its available there.
dshafer replied on at Permalink Reply
Yep, it appears they've added back in concrete5 support, so I set up a c5 installation on Bluehost and started poking at it. I had decided to use Jimdo for my future Web development work but I may have to reconsider that decision now in view of c5's availability on bluehost. Thanks for pointing it out.