Editing the Page list style CSS

Hi everyone. I would like to edit my page list; stuff like font size, color, spaces between paragraphs, etc.

What CSS file do I need to edit?


JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Reply
Several ways to attack this, depending on the degree of modification and how you want to use it:

- For small changes, you may be able to do something with block design (from the edit menu of the block).

- Create a new template for the page list. Have a look for 'templates' and 'overrides' in the howtos and documentation. If you are using the page list a lot, this is definitely the best method. There are several page list templates free in the marketplace you can use to learn how to do this.

- Add a style sheet in the site root /css/ folder that adds styles that are more specific than those in the existing template. Good if you have a variety of style tweaks you are using across many pages and blocks of the site.

- Add more specific styles directly to the page by putting style tags in an html block (not strictly valid as that puts the styles in the body rather than the header, but browsers seem to cope and many blocks do this). A bit of a hack, but it can work.

- Add more specific styles directly to the page using my style quickie addon (good for experimenting, good for complex effects as it interprets less, also good for compliance as the styles go into the header)http://www.concrete5.org/marketplace/addons/style-quickie/...
ZillionProductions replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks for the elaborate answer man! I'll get right into it and keep you posted ;)