Editing the Registration
Hey all,
I am trying to figure out if there might be a way to do a graphical presentation of a certain fields in my registration form. For an example a bar graph(?)
Any feedback would be great,
I am trying to figure out if there might be a way to do a graphical presentation of a certain fields in my registration form. For an example a bar graph(?)
Any feedback would be great,
Alright. Thank you.
Another Question along this same topic. How do you edit the Profile page to showing more than just questions and such?
Like to show There info, and there friends that they have?
and that it would show to anyone who's looking at the profile?
(Pictures)(Basic Info)
(friends) (Ratings)
(Awards) (Blog)
Another Question along this same topic. How do you edit the Profile page to showing more than just questions and such?
Like to show There info, and there friends that they have?
and that it would show to anyone who's looking at the profile?
(Pictures)(Basic Info)
(friends) (Ratings)
(Awards) (Blog)
find your: root/config/site_theme_paths.php
follow the instructions in this file to "un-comment" the registration page.
Put a page (preferably your theme's view.php) called 'register' in your: root/single_pages folder. you can then start modifying this page my adding whatever you want to it.