
I have recently had a website set up with Concrete 5 as the CMS. However, I am unable to edit any of my site. I think that it is because of the header. My complete header obscures the edit tab. Can you kindly provide me with some advice. I have attached an image to show the problem
Thank you

1 Attachment

Gondwana replied on at Permalink Reply
My guess would be a CSS z-index problem. The x-index of your header (and all other content of yours) should be 999 or less.

I also wonder whether the page template has been wrapped in <DIV class="ccm-page">, which goes a long way towards making its content play nicely with the c5 UI. It won't help position:fixed elements, though.
Prosecco replied on at Permalink Reply
Hi Gondwana
I will check with the designer to see if this is a solution for my problem.
thank you so much for replying.
Speak soon
katalysis replied on at Permalink Reply
OK, so to state the obvious your fixed header is positioned above the concrete5 edit bar.

The solution will be to add a css z-index value to your header that's lower than the z-index of the c5 edit bar which is 1000.

This will still leave your header partially obscured in edit mode. You could consider using php to add a class to your header in edit mode and add a 48px margin to the top to resolve this.
Prosecco replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you Katalysis for replying.
I will try this to see if this work.
Speak soon