Editor Not Working Anymore

I've done precisely nothing to my site between the last time I successfully edited a page and now, when the editor simply does not load. The window flashes up, the top bar comes in, the bottom buttons come in, there's a tiny html box with the content of the block, and absolutely no toolbars.

Tried switching editor from Office to Advanced and also to Simple, no dice. Anyone? This is pretty colossally infuriating . . . I mean like I've had to walk away from the PC to prevent myself from putting my fist through the monitor. If c5 were a person, it would not be a good day to be him.

Help. Please.

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HarperJayne replied on at Permalink Reply
As a note, I now recall that I have done nothing to my site.

But I did allow Opera to upgrade.

Quick check in Chrome shows the editor working.

Today not a good day to be a guy named Opera.

(Still, is it something the browser is exposing in the editor, or is it something the editor is exposing in Opera?)