Edits are okay in edit mode but disappear when I sign out

Not sure why - while in edit mode all is good but once I log out my edits on my home page disappear and it defaults back to concrete5 placeholder content.

Any ideas?

mhawke replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
A couple of things to check. Some might seem obvious but here goes:

1) Make sure you are actually publishing the page when you are done editing. Admins always see the most recent version of the page but guests see the most recently published page version.

2) Turn off all concrete5 caching in Dashboard->System and Settings->Cache and Speed Settings and clear the cache.

3) In Chrome, force a reload by right-clicking anywhere on the page and choosing 'Inspect Element' to open the Developer Console. Now click and hold the refresh button and you will get 3 options on how to reload the page. I choose 'Empty Cache and Hard Reload'. In other browsers, try CTRL F5 or CTRL SHIFT 'R' to force a 'hard' reload.
Davidlights123 replied on at Permalink Reply
WOW - You are amazing - it may have been obvious fix to you - but I never would have figured that out. You code tech guys are from a different planet I swear. That part of brain wasn't included in my options package - not an "add-on" I got... hahah Thank you so much!