Edits publishing on two versions of my site

Here's an oddity( at least to me) I'm experiencing:

I copied my C5 files from /concrete5.6.2.1 to my local machine and then back to / to make the site live.
I went to modify the /config/site.phb but the entries I expected weren't there to modify.

I renamed my index.html to indexx.htm and my C5 site appeared.

Next I checked to see if going from my home page to any other page really was in / and all the pages were.
(i.e. I wasn't just going from /home back to pages in /concrete5.6.2.1/ )

Next I decided to do an edit test on a page. I logged into the / copy of the site and did an edit. Signed out and looked at my page and it showed the edit as expected. Next I went to the /concrete5.6.2.1/ version of the site and loaded the page and the edit showed. Next test was to log into the concrete5.6.2.1/ site and do an edit there and see if it would show up in the / copy - it did.

I'd like to delete the concrete5.6.2.1/ copy but before I do, since the two copies are somehow linked, is there anything to worry about - or precautions that I need to take?

--or-- in C5 community do I simply unregister the /concrete5.6.2.1 site as both show when I log in to view My Projects


drbiskit replied on at Permalink Reply
It sounds like both copies of the site are just using the same database (i.e. where all the content is stored) - So you can make as many copies of the site files as you like, unless you physically also create and link to new instances of the datatbase as well (settings for this are in root/config/site.php) - they will all use the same database. So, you should be fine to delete the copy you don't want and it won't affect the 'good' copy.

Without seeing the bigger picture for myself, I can't say for sure that it's completely safe to just delete the version you don't want anymore - so just do it in safe steps...

First, move (but don't delete) the directory that has the site copy that you don't want in it away to a new location - e.g. a new folder on your desktop, and then go back to the site version you want to keep, check all is still good. If it is, then it is safe to assume that you can just delete the version you don't want.

NB: As a precautionary measure, it is often just a good idea to keep things like this in a safe place for a while until you are 100% sure that you don't need it.