Embedding Fonts in a pre-built theme

Hi there,

I have been trying to use the CSS3 @font-face method to embed a font for use in the header of the Zen Like 1.0 theme - I've tried from scratch and have followed directions on the concrete5 tutorial using fontsquirrel.com's packaged kit.... and no luck.

In the concrete5 page editor, when I'm editing a block the text comes up in the fonts I am attempting to embed, but when I press 'save', the font in the header remains as it was!

I can change the font family to any of the built-in fonts... and I can't seem to find any code in this theme that would override my embedded font...

help :(


magdelina replied on at Permalink Reply
I figured it out JUST after posting this!

There was a section in typography.css that listed what fonts could be used on the page and I hadn't included the new embedded one... all good now, i think.