embeded audio streaming?!

hi to all :)

i have a little problem with embeding a background music in my website, that will play trough the entire website witout interuption... i was tried the iFrame method, i had tryed embeding an webplayer in the footer, nothing works ... the streamed audio restarts when iam navigate from one page to another...

any suggestions?

mesuva replied on at Permalink Reply
I think the only way this might work is if you loaded page content using javascript (the 'AJAX' way), so that you actually never refresh or leave the page a such.

Can I politely suggest though, that playing music on a website when it loads is a bad idea... it's a sure-fire way to make your visitors frustrated, leave and never come back.

If you want to put music on your site, put it in some kind of player (even a small youtube clip) with very clear controls. And whatever you do, don't have it start automatically on page load.

Nothing irritates me more if I land on a website and then unwanted music starts blaring at me, especially when I'm on the phone or listening to my own tunes!
rutrem replied on at Permalink Reply
iam apsolutlly agree with u , about the music on websites... but u know how the clients mind works... gimme more,gimme more ;)
my first suggestion was that music plays just at the intro page... so once u select the language and enter the site the music stops... but this solution was not enough.
so iam try to find a working solution to stream a song all over the website that would not restart at each page...
... i found a nice idea how to do it but i dont know how to implement it... some guy suggested to use a coockie to track the stream of the song so, when u move from one page to another the player reasumes at that point ... ???
wagdi replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
It seems like http://scmplayer.net/ will do just that as mentioned (by 'cainKuri') in this post- http://www.concrete5.org/community/forums/block_requests/streaming-...
rutrem replied on at Permalink Reply
!!! great, works nicely, without interruptions while browsing the site. u helped me a lot, if i can do something for u just ask... hkm, well no about coding... i much better with graphics :)

great thnx a lot!
wagdi replied on at Permalink Reply
lol. Glad it helped. It should work seamlessly.

I'd suggest you load it at the bottom of the page because loading it at the top seems to push down the 'Dashboard' bar. Not a big issue but it may start annoy you. Ahem... I might you hold to that offer. ;)

rutrem replied on at Permalink Reply
i have positioned the player at the bottom, works great!