Encoding foreign characters UTF8 vs ISO...
Hi fellow concrete5'ers
I have a US, non-localized install of concrete5, where I input danish text via the Content block.
If I input the special danish letters æ,ø,å into they get translated to their ISO equivalents, but I would much rather just have them stay as they are, in UTF8 - but how do I make that happen?
I have a US, non-localized install of concrete5, where I input danish text via the Content block.
If I input the special danish letters æ,ø,å into they get translated to their ISO equivalents, but I would much rather just have them stay as they are, in UTF8 - but how do I make that happen?
I have the same problem but with swedish characters getting saved in ISO format. Can you please write in more detail how you solved the problem?
Yes, you go:
and in the bottom right, where you set your Tiny editor settings, you click the Custom radio button (no. 4) and put in the line referred to above, so it becomes:
entity_encoding : "raw",
theme : "concrete",
plugins: "inlinepopups,spellchecker,safari,advlink",
editor_selector : "ccm-advanced-editor",
spellchecker_languages : "+English=en",
theme_concrete_buttons1 :
I hope it helps?
and in the bottom right, where you set your Tiny editor settings, you click the Custom radio button (no. 4) and put in the line referred to above, so it becomes:
entity_encoding : "raw",
theme : "concrete",
plugins: "inlinepopups,spellchecker,safari,advlink",
editor_selector : "ccm-advanced-editor",
spellchecker_languages : "+English=en",
theme_concrete_buttons1 :
I hope it helps?
Thank you! That saved my day. :)
No problem, be sure to mark it as "best answer" that will save my day;-)
I figured it out, I had to add
entity_encoding : "raw",
to the top of the Rich Text Editor config in the preferences. That did the trick.