Encoding problems while editing

Hello there.

I've experienced very annoying problem recently. I'm using C5 for a Russian web site, so, all content is in Russian (UTF-8 charset). When it comes to creating new block - everything goes right, I add the text in Russian, then click "Save", publish and wonder how easy it is doing with C5, all right.

But when I try to edit it - all I see in edit window is a crap like this: "Открылся". And all cyrillic characters are displayed like these. At the same time, latin and digits are fine.

Also, the same problem when creating the forms - I enter the cyrillic text in formname, then go to preview - and everything is ruined again. Why so?

How could you help me to solve this problem? I guess, I'm not the only one, and everyone who's using C5 with non-latin content may face it.

okhayat replied on at Permalink Reply
I used to solve this for Arabic by doing two things:
1. Use utf8_unicode_ci for the MySQL DB encoding
2. Define your locale with a .UTF-8 suffix, e.g. ar_KW.UTF-8 for Arabic.
That usually solves my problem.
vodkaseledka replied on at Permalink Reply
Yep, I've actually solved this problem in a few minutes after starting this thread.

To use the UTF-8 encoding properly, you have to toggle it everywhere - in MySQL settings (just like Okhayat said), and, in my case I had to add the following line to the php.ini:

default_charset = "utf-8"