error in footer on new concrete 5 website

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hi there

we've just had our website re-built on concrete5, we've tried removing a component from the footer and now the error below is showing up on every page in the footer:

Fatal error: Call to a member function display() on a non-object in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 90

does anyone know what this means? is there a way of un-doing the component that we deleted?
for some reason the editable bar at the top with the whole dashboard has now also disappeared - so we can't seem to update anything.

does anyone have any idea why this happened and how to undo it?

thank you!!

grosik replied on at Permalink Reply
hi, can u show us your line 90 in footer ?

by removing component you mean, removing block from the area ? or part of the code ?

try to remove all footer's code (leaving only main footer wrapper and all necessary php ?> endings and snippets) and see if admin bar at the top will back. Maybe not the perfect solution, but we will know if the bug exist in footer or somehow its connected with other file (i don't know what block/code you have removed)

pozdrawiam ;)
inlovewithpoland replied on at Permalink Reply
thanks for replying!

we had the cms set up by some developers, we only interact with the website through the dashboard to update content (still learning!) - so don't know how to access the code :(
Now we can't see the cms dashboard so no idea how to see the content of the site.

the thing i deleted was a block or a stack in the dashboard :(
grosik replied on at Permalink Reply
you can acces the code using any ftp client, like filezilla, totalcommander etc. you just need ftp login (i bet you must have it somewhere)

after login navigate to [root]/themes/<nameofyourtheme>/elements/footer.php

root is a base folder, probably it's var/www/vhosts as i see it in error message

Do you have any backup ? maybe recovery will help ;)
mhawke replied on at Permalink Reply
The reason you can't see your toolbar is because your page is crashing before it ever gets to the part that displays the toolbar across the top.

You say that you just had the site re-done in concrete5. Where is the developer who built the site? Perhaps they need to support their work.
mhawke replied on at Permalink Reply
Can you log in? If you can, then go to 'Dashboard->Full Sitemap' and click on the page that's crashing and choose 'Versions'. Here you can move back the clock by approving previous versions of the page. Click to view each version until the error at the bottom is gone and then approve that version. After I do that, I always delete versions between the old one you approve and the current version.

If you can't get to a page to log in, try entering this in your address bar:

That should get you to the dashboard where you can try to revert back to an older version of your page as I described at the beginning of this post.
inlovewithpoland replied on at Permalink Reply
thank you both!

ok so we have access to filezilla (as i built the current live site myself in basic html) but the folders you mentioned are empty :(

the dashboard link works - amazing, thank you!

BUT - i deleted a 'stack' called 'foot' so now that stack doesnt exist, and if i look at various site pages, there's no not-broken version there... as i guess the footer affects it overall.

is there a way of bringing back stacks? is there a version control for stacks?
inlovewithpoland replied on at Permalink Reply
thank you both again!

i just added a stack called 'foot' - and the footer has miraculously come back! wouldn't have thought of it without the access to the dashboard, so thank you!!

we still dont know how to edit the footer component at all, but that's a whole new post :) but we're on our way! thank you very much!!
mhawke replied on at Permalink Reply
It looks like the developer may have used a technique that 'hard-codes' a stack called 'foot' into the page. If that stack is gone... shebang!

If you got to 'Dashboard->Stacks' and choose 'foot', you should be able to edit the contents of your footer there (to some extent).