Error whenever I save a page

A site i've had up for a while is now acting odd. When I save a page, i get a blank error. Yet the changes do display.

Checking the logs in the dashboard, I see no errors. Any idea why I am getting this?

Edit: I've done a lot of poking, and now I see this in the logs:

Exception Occurred: /public_html/concrete/controllers/backend/user_interface/page.php:31 Access Denied (0)

On checking this file, it's permissions are 644 (as are all files in this folder). All folders leading to this are 755.

ConcreteOwl replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
This is probably due to the latest google chrome browser issue.
Try a different browser...
The chrome browser will be updated soon to fix this problem.
GeeEM replied on at Permalink Reply
I'm starting to be dissapointed in Chrome. Thank you, this was it!