Exclude Members from the list

On my members page(which i just finished styling) admin shows as the first member. Is there a way to keep the list from showing members you've selected such as people you deem admins that don't need to show on the list?

Brainakazariua replied on at Permalink Reply
Are you using the basic registered users group or a custom made one?
In the pre-existing ones of concrete it might not work since the admin is also a part of that group.

if you make a custom group then the admin is not basicly a part of that and therefor should not be shown.
pakigreenl replied on at Permalink Reply
Ok group created, but how do I select it so only that group is displayed?
pakigreenl replied on at Permalink Reply
How do I Display only a certain group on the members list?

I opened the members.php to see if anything obvious presented itself but I don't see anything. Any ideas?
Shotster replied on at Permalink Reply
> How do I Display only a certain group on the members list?

You might consider my add-on...


It would save you some time and provide more flexibility. The only thing to keep in mind is that it does require the site visitor have JavaScript enabled.

pakigreenl replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks, that looks good. however all I really wanted was to make the admin not appear on the members page by default. I am willing to consider the addon though. Would this fall under non-profit pricing due to this being a site for my church?
Shotster replied on at Permalink Reply
> Would this fall under non-profit pricing due to this being a site for my church?

Absolutely. I will PM you a link to the non-commercial pricing in case you're interested.
