extended form goes blank after submitting problem with email-adress


I'm working on a form with extended form and it goes wrong if I activate that the form also has to send a copy to the mail address of the person who filled in the form...

It goes blank...

could anyone help me? I've checked other discussions but i can't seem to find a correct answer.

is where you can find the form

Thanks in advance!

Steevb replied on at Permalink Reply
You have extra html in the form?

You're pulling wrong content in between the hr tags.

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<title>Untitled Document</title>

There is more, you need to remove it.
ineverfaillie replied on at Permalink Reply
Hello, thx for your answer... Where can i remove it? I do not know much about adding extra code. I'm a graphic designer. So thank you in advance for your help!
Steevb replied on at Permalink Reply
In edit mode take out the content between the 'hr' tags.

After 'Opmerkingen' and before 'Schrijf in'
ineverfaillie replied on at Permalink Reply
maybe i know what the problem is... My text below the form is a copied text from dreamweaver with code... i'll check it out...
ineverfaillie replied on at Permalink Reply
nope thats not the problem... i deleted the whole area and tried it again but i still get a blank page...


is the message i get...
Steevb replied on at Permalink Reply
You didn't need delete all, just the offending part of the form.
ineverfaillie replied on at Permalink Reply
Hello, I'm sorry but I can't seem to find a solution. I deleted the whole form started again with a smaller one and evertime I say with 'e-mail' that a copy has to be send to subscriber it goes blank. When i turn it off i get trough. Problem is that it is really important that the subcriber gets also a email.

Could you please help me out?

Thx you!
Steevb replied on at Permalink Reply
Your page url is causing the problem, try on a new hidden page.

Your source code for the page uri:
<input name="pURI" type="hidden" value="/index.php?cID=104&bID=424&arHandle=Content" />

My test form shows my page:
<input name="pURI" type="hidden" value="/license" />
ineverfaillie replied on at Permalink Reply
I'am sorry but i do not understand your answer... I copied the form to my scrapbook and added it on another page who is public but it is still the same problem...

But i do not understand why it works when i check off copy to subscriber on my 'e-mail'-question but it goes blank when i check it on...

I have to make a lot of other forms on that website so i hope i found a solution that i understand so next time i will be able to solve it myself...
Steevb replied on at Permalink Reply
Sorry I cannot replicate your issue!

If I fill your form it goes blank, as you say and Firefox console shows this:

'Oops, something is wrong with the form you posted (it doesn't have a question set id).'
ineverfaillie replied on at Permalink Reply
ok thanks, i asked someone to help me out; if it gets solved i will post the solution!
clocktower replied on at Permalink Reply
We have run into this issue if the SMTP Method is set to External SMTP Server under Dashboard > System & Settings > Mail > SMTP Method and the server is not properly configured to send and receive mail.