Fatal Error Please Help

By mistake i've put a wrong file inside the /external_form/forms and now i got the following error:
Fatal error: Call to a member function runTask() on a non-object in /mnt/weba/20/54/52205754/htdocs/concrete/blocks/external_form/controller.php on line 67

What should i do for the error to disapear?

Is it possible to return the site to a previous version at the dashboard? I tried this and could not find that option at the dashboart.

Thanks in advance for your help


Mnkras replied on at Permalink Reply
if you replaced the file, concrete5 can't do anything about that,
erminos replied on at Permalink Reply
Hello Mnkras,

Thanks for your reply.

Does it mean there is nothing i can do about this error.

Should i uninstall my current concrete 5 version in order to fix this?

Thank you

Mnkras replied on at Permalink Reply
what do you mean
"iv put the wrong file"
erminos replied on at Permalink Reply
Instead of putting test_form.php in the folder i have put another file which has caused the error.

I have deleted the External form addon and the error is now gone.

Can you maybe tell me where to get the external form addon, i can now find it at the market place.


scharfe replied on at Permalink Reply
error in external_form

external_form is standard in concrete5 (not to be confused with the Extended Form)
I can integrate with external_form own forms.
In the folder concrete/block work/external_form/forms/ is a file "test_form.php". Its a model of a form and it works.

But not their own forms:

Fatal error: Call to a member function runTask () on a non-object in

Since I assumed that in my form was a mistake, I've duplicated the test_form.php and added one word and saved as test.php.
But even when including these nearly Originally sample form I get the error.

I use concrete, in the older installation 5.3 the forms works.