Favicon doesn't need to be 16x16 *.ico

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The instructions to add a favicon, namely to go to Dashboard | Sitewide Settings | Upload Bookmark Icon and upload a .gif or .png file of size 16x16 with an .ico extension, is wrong. It can have a .gif or .png extension and be 20x20. I uploaded a 20x20 animated .gif and it works okay. Animated .gifs help make one's site stand out.

LucasAnderson replied on at Permalink Reply
However, the opposite could be true for your users. I find animated favicons distracting, intrusive and annoying, especially since I have no option to stop the animation.

Doing a little search on favicon best practices pulled up these interesting statements

"Fortunately, favicons created in .ico format may encapsulate multiple images, including unique instances of 16×16, 32×32, and even larger resolutions. This is beneficial when image-scaling may compromise the readability of your favicon. Whereas .gif and .png formats may scale down without loss of image quality, the converse certainly isn't true."

"Create a multi-resolution favicon with two images. One image should be 32x32 and the other 16x16. Both 256 colors (stick to Windows Default Palette). Reason: In some browsers, you can drag the favicon to the desktop where it becomes a link. Often, this desktop icon is 32x32 pixels."

So while yes, you are correct that they aren't required to be a certain format or size, you'll get better compatibility in all browsers if you stick to the best practices and acceptable standards.
Zudane replied on at Permalink Reply
Agreed about the annoyingness of animations. I hate animated icons, they are purely distracting for me and it would make me not want to bookmark a site, same can be said for many users. You want something that is simple and easy to identify - look at the C5 favicon, it is simple yet distinctly C5 and stands out.
tallacman replied on at Permalink Reply
Is there a reason to upload something bigger? From my limited understanding the browser is going to downsample it anyway, right?