File Link Not Working
I have a block of type "File" in which I've linked to an existing file in my file manager. I can both see and open the file in file manager so I'm fairly certain it exists in File Manger. When i go to the page that has the file link on it and click on the link it takes me to a page that says "Page Not Found" No page could be found at this address. The URL the link takes me to is When I click on the properties option of the file in File Manger the following URL is listed in the "URL to File": The ID of the file is 94. I have enabled pretty URLs. At this point I have no idea why the file link on my page will not take me to the file. Any insight or assistance anyone can offer on this item is most appreciated. Thank you.

Did this happen after upgrade to If so you should start with checking your File Manager permissions. I would also remove and add the block again to see if that solves it.
I added the file block after the upgrade. I've also tried deleting the file block and re-adding it but the error still occurs. Any other insights or suggestion on how to correct this issue is much appreciated. Thank you.
File block still not working. I've checked file permissions on the file and the page on which exist the file link and everything seems to be in order from an access and permissions perspective. Any info or assistance on this item is appreciated. Thank you.
I am having exactly the same problem as Swattlebucket. This has happened on two sites since upgrading to Concrete, and I have never had a problem like this before on many sites I have developed. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Once again I suggest checking and resetting File Manager Permissions in the dashboard.
Like Swattlebucket, everything seems in order with the permissions. What happens is that Concrete5 seems to be adding completely the wrong path as the link to the file, it said it was here: "/index.php/download_file/view/140/" and there are no folders called download_file or view or 140 so I went in via ftp and found the folder the pdf had been uploaded to and hardcoded the url into the link and it worked. So the file is being uploaded OK to Concrete5 but something is going wrong after that. The actual pdf file is in "files/6313/5213/1758/groundfloorplan.pdf" which is somewhat different.
Does the same thing happen if you try to download a jpg through the file block?
No, it only seems to affect pdfs. I found this other thread with a similar problem which was to do with the download_file page missing, but mine seems to be there.
Right this is now sorted. That link I posted earlier was the key - my colleague had moved the download_file page into the trash when he had upgraded the site, so he reinstated it and all is now well and my pdfs are showing correctly.
I have to join this as I now have a site with the same problem
I have also updated to and can't link to a file. When clicking the link I also get the message "Page not found"
I have looked at the string and I can see that it is adding the page ID (cID) to the end of the string... So the link it create is like this:
At thet is not correct
If I look at other working sites (also version the link looks like this:
Does anyone have any idea why this happens. I have looked in permissions and saved all permissions again
It is the same no matter the filetype - tried both PDF, Word, Images...
// Brian N
I have also updated to and can't link to a file. When clicking the link I also get the message "Page not found"
I have looked at the string and I can see that it is adding the page ID (cID) to the end of the string... So the link it create is like this:
At thet is not correct
If I look at other working sites (also version the link looks like this:
Does anyone have any idea why this happens. I have looked in permissions and saved all permissions again
It is the same no matter the filetype - tried both PDF, Word, Images...
// Brian N
Ok ... the issue was found.
The file "download_file" was in transh when we looked in the single pages.
Adding it again helped.
How it ended up in trash is still strange.
Hope this can help others
The file "download_file" was in transh when we looked in the single pages.
Adding it again helped.
How it ended up in trash is still strange.
Hope this can help others
this just happened to me -- don't know how the download_file was in trash
thanks -- I was able to fix it - - pheww
thanks -- I was able to fix it - - pheww
Thanks! I got the same problem.
Mr Lindau
Mr Lindau
I know this is an old thread, but I'm having the same problem with version. I've checked the 'trash' folder and other things suggested here but I am still getting a 'page not found' when clicking on the image link. The address
I have done this process many times and works fine even with other sites running the version, all on the same server. Not sure why this one isn't.
Any ideas of what I should be checking? Thanks.
I have done this process many times and works fine even with other sites running the version, all on the same server. Not sure why this one isn't.
Any ideas of what I should be checking? Thanks.
Hi Annette,
Did you solve this mystery?
Did you solve this mystery?
Yes @mnakalay it was a permission issue for me, which was a bit strange as I'd never had that problem before. There is still one thing that isn't working correctly but it's not major so I haven't bothered any more with it. When I insert an image from the content block, the image only shows as a small grey broken icon box, but as soon as you add it into the page it views fine.
I see. Thank you for your answer.