File Manager not working
Hello again,
This in addition to previous post. All server permissions checked, file manager works fine as long as files are already there. Cannot upload ANY files at all. I uploaded the files to incoming via FTP. When using file manager, it does not see the files that are resident in the incoming folder. I cannot upload any files.
Help please!! anybody have any ideas?
Thanks so much
This in addition to previous post. All server permissions checked, file manager works fine as long as files are already there. Cannot upload ANY files at all. I uploaded the files to incoming via FTP. When using file manager, it does not see the files that are resident in the incoming folder. I cannot upload any files.
Help please!! anybody have any ideas?
Thanks so much

So you can access a file at //, or do you get an error in the browser?
Yes - using a browser, the graphic displays correctly. The problem is I cannot get it on a c5 page. using file manager, keeps squaking about asking permissions to upload files on web server.
It doesn't even see the files i have uploaded via FTP to the incoming folder.
Thanks for your help
It doesn't even see the files i have uploaded via FTP to the incoming folder.
Thanks for your help
So the webserver can read the files, so it's not permissions.
Anything strange/non-standard in config/site.php or installed addons?
When you go to upload multiple incoming tab, is the path correct?
Add from Incoming Directory
No files found in /the/right/place/files/incoming
If you've double-checked that, I'm see no reason it shouldn't work, since it's looking in DIR_FILES_INCOMING
Anything strange/non-standard in config/site.php or installed addons?
When you go to upload multiple incoming tab, is the path correct?
Add from Incoming Directory
No files found in /the/right/place/files/incoming
If you've double-checked that, I'm see no reason it shouldn't work, since it's looking in DIR_FILES_INCOMING
Hi there,
One last futile attempt to save this site. If I can't find the answer, I am forced to re-load C5 to see if it corrects the problem.
Please, anyone that might have any additional suggestions would be great. This site is finished and really don't want to start from scratch.
Thanks so much
One last futile attempt to save this site. If I can't find the answer, I am forced to re-load C5 to see if it corrects the problem.
Please, anyone that might have any additional suggestions would be great. This site is finished and really don't want to start from scratch.
Thanks so much
Hi there,
Do you have any other suggestions? Could it be a php setting, Db, etc.This site is finished but obviously, I cannot leave it as is since I will not be able to edit. The site is finished and I hate to satart from scratch but it is looking like that is what I am going to have to do.
One last ditch effort. Thanks so much for the help
Do you have any other suggestions? Could it be a php setting, Db, etc.This site is finished but obviously, I cannot leave it as is since I will not be able to edit. The site is finished and I hate to satart from scratch but it is looking like that is what I am going to have to do.
One last ditch effort. Thanks so much for the help
You didn't answer my two questions above, so I don't know what to tell you...
Sorry - I sent it via gmail but i guess you didn't get it. Please see below. Thanks so much. I really don't want to redo this site
Dear surfsupjoe125,
jasteele123 has posted to a discussion you're monitoring:
So the webserver can read the files, so it's not permissions.
Anything strange/non-standard in config/site.php or installed addons? Not that I can see. It looks just like all of the other C5 sites I've built
When you go to upload multiple incoming tab, is the path correct? Yes, it is the correct pathing
Add from Incoming Directory
No files found in /the/right/place/files/incoming Yesiree, the path is correct bit states "no files found"
If you've double-checked that, I'm see no reason it shouldn't work, since it's looking in DIR_FILES_INCOMING
Yep, that's how I see it as well. I think I'm just going to delete it and reload the C5 content files again. It is a shame since the site is complete with the exception of loading one fricken graphic and I would be complete.
I sincerely thank you for your suggestions and effort. I'm so frustrated but what can you do. All the best.
Dear surfsupjoe125,
jasteele123 has posted to a discussion you're monitoring:
So the webserver can read the files, so it's not permissions.
Anything strange/non-standard in config/site.php or installed addons? Not that I can see. It looks just like all of the other C5 sites I've built
When you go to upload multiple incoming tab, is the path correct? Yes, it is the correct pathing
Add from Incoming Directory
No files found in /the/right/place/files/incoming Yesiree, the path is correct bit states "no files found"
If you've double-checked that, I'm see no reason it shouldn't work, since it's looking in DIR_FILES_INCOMING
Yep, that's how I see it as well. I think I'm just going to delete it and reload the C5 content files again. It is a shame since the site is complete with the exception of loading one fricken graphic and I would be complete.
I sincerely thank you for your suggestions and effort. I'm so frustrated but what can you do. All the best.
Not easy to find your answers when you embed them with the questions.
PM with the URL to a known image file in your incoming directory.
Put this in tools/incoming.php:
Let me know when it's uploaded.
I'm also including the code as a text attachment.
PM with the URL to a known image file in your incoming directory.
Put this in tools/incoming.php:
<?php /* tools/incoming.php */ defined('C5_EXECUTE') or die('Access Denied'); echo 'DIR_FILES_INCOMING: <strong>'. DIR_FILES_INCOMING. '</strong><br/><br/>'; if(!is_dir(DIR_FILES_INCOMING)) die('<span style="font-weight:bold; color:red;">DIR_FILES_INCOMING is *not* a directory!</strong>'); echo '<pre>'; foreach (glob(DIR_FILES_INCOMING. '/*') as $file) { if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') { echo sprintf("%-40s Size: %5.2f KB<br/>\n", basename($file), (filesize($file)/1024)); } } echo '</pre>'; ?>
Let me know when it's uploaded.
I'm also including the code as a text attachment.
All forum emails end up at my gamil account. I highlighted the answers in
yellow and sent back to you. I don't know why you didn't receive the return
email, again sorry and I truly appreciate the help. Doing as instructed now
All forum emails end up at my gamil account. I highlighted the answers in
yellow and sent back to you. I don't know why you didn't receive the return
email, again sorry and I truly appreciate the help. Doing as instructed now
You are running in a chroot'ed environment under a user account.
All of these problems would not exist if you had an actual domain or subdomain.
Hostgator may have a way to make it work, but it will be specific to their setup, or you might be able to work some .htaccess magic, or set specific defines (not recommended, but might get you past this block):
All of these problems would not exist if you had an actual domain or subdomain.
Hostgator may have a way to make it work, but it will be specific to their setup, or you might be able to work some .htaccess magic, or set specific defines (not recommended, but might get you past this block):
// remove this before going live !!! define('DIR_FILES_INCOMING', '/var/chroot/home/content/15/6829815/html/powerchutenew/files/incoming');
Thanks a million. You saved me. This site is live and doing business so I
had to move the site and use the temp URL to finish the new revisions prior
to making the new site at hostgator live.
Thanks again
had to move the site and use the temp URL to finish the new revisions prior
to making the new site at hostgator live.
Thanks again
Sorry for the late reply, didn't receive a notification for this.
Glad it's working and I could be of help.
Note to future forum posters, the better/more specific the information provided, the easier the answer. :)
P.S. Changing colors and formatting in an external email client will *not* show up here in the forums.
Glad it's working and I could be of help.
Note to future forum posters, the better/more specific the information provided, the easier the answer. :)
P.S. Changing colors and formatting in an external email client will *not* show up here in the forums.