File Manager Upload Problems
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Normally I don't have any problems uploading images and files to the File Manager, but I have created a library feature for a website we are doing and the files will be some size larger than normal. I have tried uploading them to the File Manager and they seem to upload fine, but no thumbnails are created. I have checked the actual files using FTP and the uploaded files are there in the Files directory but no thumbnails. Is there a fix for this, can I manually upload the files to the Files directory?

Any help on this matter would be great. I desperately need to upload these images. If it means I can manually do it and create thumbnails myself then fine.
Also having the same issue, we are finding some images upload correctly but many upload and then do not say image uploaded, they just remain with a filled progress bar and then in the file manager show generic thumbnail for the image instead of a thumbnail of the image
I encountered a similar (the same) problem yesterday. I had not been uploading any images to my website in months. In the interim, I purchased a Nikon D90 camera and saved my images from RAW format to .jpg format, with serious compression. I tried to upload several of them, and the uploads never reported as being successfully completed.
When I backed out of the upload each tiem, the image file was there with a generic Windows icon instead of the actual photo. I tried to put the image in a block (it was there, you could see it), but when I went to add it to my webpage, the edit button disappeared and there was no image.
I searched here yesterday and found nothing applicable and thought about it most of the night. I finally decided that perhaps the resolution might be too high for Concrete5 to handle, even though the compressed .jpg file size was less than 500 KB, and I had successfully uploaded and added larger image files in the past.
The Nikon D90 is set to take photos at maximum resolution (around 4,200 x 2,900 pixels). I used the Nikon Capture NX2 software that I purchased to knock the resolution down to 1,024 x 768 for upload, and then saved those back out at low .jpg compression (Good Quality).
The File Manager uploaded those photos without any issue, quite quickly, and I was able to add them to my webpages today. Being a newbie, I am passing this along in case it might help someone else. For me, reducing the image resolution worked.
It would seem to me to be a good idea for Concrete5 to notify users if the resolution is too high. Just leaving the upload screen to run endlessly is confusing to users, particularly when the photos do show up in the upload directory when you go to your host server. You can even see them in Concrete5.
Just my two cents. I hope that it will help someone else. Have a great day.
When I backed out of the upload each tiem, the image file was there with a generic Windows icon instead of the actual photo. I tried to put the image in a block (it was there, you could see it), but when I went to add it to my webpage, the edit button disappeared and there was no image.
I searched here yesterday and found nothing applicable and thought about it most of the night. I finally decided that perhaps the resolution might be too high for Concrete5 to handle, even though the compressed .jpg file size was less than 500 KB, and I had successfully uploaded and added larger image files in the past.
The Nikon D90 is set to take photos at maximum resolution (around 4,200 x 2,900 pixels). I used the Nikon Capture NX2 software that I purchased to knock the resolution down to 1,024 x 768 for upload, and then saved those back out at low .jpg compression (Good Quality).
The File Manager uploaded those photos without any issue, quite quickly, and I was able to add them to my webpages today. Being a newbie, I am passing this along in case it might help someone else. For me, reducing the image resolution worked.
It would seem to me to be a good idea for Concrete5 to notify users if the resolution is too high. Just leaving the upload screen to run endlessly is confusing to users, particularly when the photos do show up in the upload directory when you go to your host server. You can even see them in Concrete5.
Just my two cents. I hope that it will help someone else. Have a great day.