File uploads

Whether trying to upload small gif/jpg/png or larger swf and flv files I get the following:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function _() in /opt/concrete5/concrete/tools/al_search_results.php on line 8

I have found a similar post regarding file uploads but nothing with this error message.

I'm hoping to use c5 for our intranet but this is a bit of a stumbling block.

andrew replied on at Permalink Reply
We're using gettext for localization (even though it's really still in development) and that's what that function is for.

In our next version (currently in development) we'll provide fallback functions in case gettext isn't available.
f2uk replied on at Permalink Reply
I have enabled gettext and my original issue has gone away.
It has been replaced with "Access Denied".
I have checked the forum and tried the "session_destroy()" suggestion but that didn't work. Any ideas?