flash in profile/avatar


after i got the profile section almost running i just ahve the problem i can't upload and/or crop the avatars/pictures.

i always receive this message:
You need the Adobe Flash plugin installed on your computer to upload and crop your user profile picture.

Download the Flash Player here.

Does anyone know how to fix this problem?

As i have the flash player installed this cant be the problem.
I am running concrete

Thanks for your help.

alemao replied on at Permalink Reply
any help on this issue?
frz replied on at Permalink Reply
is swfobject.js around in your file system? does the flash avatar picker work on this site?
alemao replied on at Permalink Reply
hi frz,

no the flash avatar picker doesnt work either. but it did. as i uploaded a pic of myself running the v5.2. now i run

i had to create the profile, avatar and edit page as single page because since the update the member regisration didnt work either.

where should the swfobject.swf be located in the file system?

andrew replied on at Permalink Reply
This should be turned on by default but we recently made swfobject something that doesn't load on every page. This lightens the page load but we didn't turn it back on on the profile page. Here's a good way to get it re-enabled.

Go into your theme's header. Above the line
<?=Loader::element('header_required'); ?> Add the following lines:

$html = Loader::helper('html');

does that help?
alemao replied on at Permalink Reply
yes i got it working now... you are doing a great job...
katz515 replied on at Permalink Reply
In addition to this change,

I just found out that you need to create the "up_tmp" folder under "files".

This folder was not generated at the installation in addition to "incoming" folder.

I'll submit this as a bug.
hexacreative replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks andrew...
scrivener replied on at Permalink Reply
Is something different in I have tried this patch and am still getting this error message when I try to use the uploader under the Search Users page in the Dashboard:

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/andrew/public_html/sitename.org/updates/concrete5.6.3.3/concrete/helpers/concrete/avatar.php:161) in /home/andrew/public_html/sitename.org/updates/concrete5.6.3.3/concrete/core/libraries/view.php on line 963

When I try to upload an avatar through editor from the profile page, it just doesn't do anything. It acts like it is working (I think I event got some kind of 'avatar saved' message), but nothing uploads and no error message.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!
