FontAwesome is already included in 5.7+ you just need to require the asset in your page_theme.php in your theme (or block).
Thanks hutman, any chance to give me more instructions? Maybe point me to a tutorial on what to insert in the php file to activate the fonts? Thanks
Are you trying to get it for the whole theme, a specific block, or when do you need it? The placement would be different for each.
The entire website and I have fundamental theme
You should be able to just go into your theme's directory and into the page_theme.php and in the registerAssets function put
If there is no registerAssets function add
$this->requireAsset('css', 'font-awesome');
If there is no registerAssets function add
public function registerAssets() { $this->requireAsset('css', 'font-awesome'); }
Thanks so much hutman ;)