Facebook Thumbnails: Facebook not picking up images on some pages... many Pro Blog posts, but not just a Pro Blog issue
My client has been having issues when trying to post a Pro Blog posting to Facebook and am not able to see the normal selection of thumbnail images. I set up the navigation to use an image for one of the pages and that is set through a custom attribute and it DOES apparently use a full path to the image. I'm not sure if this is a factor or not. When trying to share, it shows up as the only option for a thumbnail on Facebook as a result. I've used Facebook's Debuggging tool and it sees the image in the tool, but not when I try and post the link. What is og:image?
You will see what I am talking about if you try and post this to Facebook... only the nav image is offered as a thumbnail while there are 2 other, much larger images that meet the 200 x 200 minimum requirements of Facebook: http://www.tomasos.com/events-and-catering/calendar/thanksgiving-to...
You will see what I am talking about if you try and post this to Facebook... only the nav image is offered as a thumbnail while there are 2 other, much larger images that meet the 200 x 200 minimum requirements of Facebook: http://www.tomasos.com/events-and-catering/calendar/thanksgiving-to...