Form File Upload not working

I have a page on my site for people to apply for jobs online, asks them info like their name, phone, etc., and also have a File Upload field for them to attach a resume. (Word doc, text file, etc)

I never get the attachment when people submit here, and I've tried myself and still no attachment comes through. I get the other info such as name, phone, etc.

This is the page:

I use Windows Live Webmail if it matters and tested with Yahoo mail.

EDIT: So I just went to my Reports Forms page on the dashboard, and the attachments are there. But they're not being "attached" to the email notification that it sends me, is it supposed to?

webigear replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
Hi it should be working. It won;t show images or attachments on your mail. But you can see them from the dashboard.