Form submission - does nothing - redirects back to form page/tab
I am new to programming in concrete5 and my company recently acquired a website that was developed in conrete5.
Within the past couple of weeks we upgraded to version
Shortly thereafter, we noticed that forms were no longer working (validated, sumbitted, or data emailed). When a user submits the form- they are redirected back to the product tab that contains the form and nothing is done. There is nothing in the concrete5 logs or our webserver error logs.
Our product pages code looks like this:
The form action appears as follows:
I am not entirely sure where to continue debugging from here. I grepped for the "action_submit_form" method (form action) and numerous results came up. I injected my own code to see which method was being used- but I could not come up with anything conclusive.
Any idea why this could be happening?
Any idea how I debug and fix this issue?
Please advise!
Within the past couple of weeks we upgraded to version
Shortly thereafter, we noticed that forms were no longer working (validated, sumbitted, or data emailed). When a user submits the form- they are redirected back to the product tab that contains the form and nothing is done. There is nothing in the concrete5 logs or our webserver error logs.
Our product pages code looks like this:
/site/blocks/product/templates/custom/view.php :: Displays form
<h3>Our Form</h3> <?php $bl = Block::getByName("[Our Form]"); if(is_object($bl)) $bl->display(); ?>
/site/blocks/product_extended_form/view.php :: Actual markup for form
<form enctype="multipart/form-data" id="extendedFormSurveyView<?php echo intval($bID)?>" class="extendedFormSurveyView <?php echo $survey->customClass ?>" method="post" action="<?php echo htmlspecialchars(htmlspecialchars_decode($this->action('submit_form')))?>"> <?php if( $_GET['surveySuccess'] && $_GET['qsid']==intval($survey->questionSetId) ){ ?> <div id="msg"><?php echo $survey->thankyouMsg ?></div> <?php }elseif(strlen($formResponse)){ ?> <div id="msg"> <?php echo $formResponse ?> <?php if(is_array($errors) && count($errors)) foreach($errors as $error){ ?> <div class="error"><?php echo $error ?></div> <?php } ?> </div> <?php } ?> <div> <input name="qsID" type="hidden" value="<?php echo intval($survey->questionSetId)?>" /> <input name="pURI" type="hidden" value="<?php echo $pURI ?>" /> </div>
Viewing 15 lines of 17 lines. View entire code block.
The form action appears as follows:
I am not entirely sure where to continue debugging from here. I grepped for the "action_submit_form" method (form action) and numerous results came up. I injected my own code to see which method was being used- but I could not come up with anything conclusive.
Any idea why this could be happening?
Any idea how I debug and fix this issue?
Please advise!