Formating product page: e-commerce

Hi, i've attached my product page from the e-commerce module, and I'm looking to edit the format so that the gaps between the description, size, and quantity are not so big.

I'm guessing I need to edit one of the .php files in the core but not sure which one?

Can anyone help? Would be much appreciated.


1 Attachment

okhayat replied on at Permalink Reply
You can either use CSS to change the particular view or copy packages/core_commerce/blocks/product/view.php to your /blocks/product/view.php and change it.
That's what I did in
Ta2Ta2 replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks okhayat, this is what I'm looking for...
My question is, how to define, product name, picture...etc...couldn't figure that into view.php...any idea?
grgcnnr replied on at Permalink Reply
Old thread but just in case anyone else is looking.
Check out \packages\core_commerce\elements\product\display.php for more template goodness