From Name When Sending Email

I have made an package that sends out some emails. However, I need to be able to specify from whom an email is sent from, in addition to the email address. In the current setup, I'm only able to put in the email address.
E.g. JACOB ( JACOB is the "from" in addition to the email

It's probably a change in the following code, which sends out the email, but don't know how... It can be hardcoded - do C5 have this option?

$mess = Config::get('acbody');
$find = array('[navn]', '[tid]');
$rep = array($user->getAttribute('name'), $aci);
$rdy_mess = str_replace($find, $rep, $mess);

$mh = Loader::helper('mail');
$mh->to($user->uEmail, $user->uName);

Kind regards

core77 replied on at Permalink Reply
Don't know if I understood your problem right.
Is this not a solution for you?
mhawke replied on at Permalink Reply
If you look at line 215 of the mail helper at [root]/concrete/core/helpers/mail.php you will see that 'from' can take 2 parameters. The first is the email and the second is the name.