Galleria Image Gallery block not showing up
PermalinkI installed the Galleria Image Gallery block and it shows up and works great on the page when I'm logged in, but when I log out, I can view the page and see other blocks on it, but not the gallery block.
Anybody have any ideas?
For Gallery Images to show to public (non logged users) the File Manager permission for group GUESTS must have "View Site Files" permission set to "YES". Go to Dashboard/Systems & Settings/Permission & Access/File Manager Permission to change that...
Cheers, Luis
<ul id="asmillerGallery" class="asmillerGallery" style="margin:0 auto;">
<li><img src="/concrete/files/4113/3756/3068/europe.jpg" title=""/></li>
<li><img src="/concrete/files/9113/3756/3069/spain.jpg" title=""/></li>
However if I am not logged in it DOES NOT render the images location, so the Gallery as nothing to show....
<ul id="asmillerGallery" class="asmillerGallery" style="margin:0 auto;">
Did you solve this issue ?