Get other people to see my Webpage in LAN connections
Hi, I'm kind of newbie in Concrete5, I love making webpages in concrete5, I live in Mexico. I hope you understand my barely English typing.
I'm using LAMP and MAMP to build my sites; but i want other people to see my webpage, to edit the page, etc.
I don't know why when I access my webpage in another PC, it shows correctly. For example: I enter my laptop's IP( and it shows me the principal page, in this case BITNAMI(LAMP), but when I access the Concrete5 folder, it changes the IP by localhost and obviously doesn't shows me anything because I don't have Concrete5 in the PC that I want to see my page.
I kind of understand LAMP so I tried to check why this is happening, but i couldn't. I think that this is an issue from Concrete5.
I hope you can hel me!!
I'm using LAMP and MAMP to build my sites; but i want other people to see my webpage, to edit the page, etc.
I don't know why when I access my webpage in another PC, it shows correctly. For example: I enter my laptop's IP( and it shows me the principal page, in this case BITNAMI(LAMP), but when I access the Concrete5 folder, it changes the IP by localhost and obviously doesn't shows me anything because I don't have Concrete5 in the PC that I want to see my page.
I kind of understand LAMP so I tried to check why this is happening, but i couldn't. I think that this is an issue from Concrete5.
I hope you can hel me!!
The url in your config/site.php file is set tohttp://localhost
See if you can access the page your your local domain. I am assuming you are using a MAC. You can see what this is by going to Apple->System Preferences->Sharing. Under your computer name you should see something like "Computers on your local network can access your computer at:http://computer-name.local/".... Try to use that url on another CPU. It should connect to your computer and the appropriate directory. Then set your config/site.php url to that address. Hope that helps.
**** Just saw Mnkras post - That solution will probably work better ****
See if you can access the page your your local domain. I am assuming you are using a MAC. You can see what this is by going to Apple->System Preferences->Sharing. Under your computer name you should see something like "Computers on your local network can access your computer at:http://computer-name.local/".... Try to use that url on another CPU. It should connect to your computer and the appropriate directory. Then set your config/site.php url to that address. Hope that helps.
**** Just saw Mnkras post - That solution will probably work better ****
Thanks a lot!!
I solve my problem editing the site.php just like Mnkras said.
I solve my problem editing the site.php just like Mnkras said.
/config/site.php and put //before the Base_url and Dir_rel lines like: