Getting an error during backup

I am getting the following error during a backup:

Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'ADODB_Exception' with message 'mysql error: [2006: MySQL server has gone away] in EXECUTE("SHOW TABLES") ' in <file system>updates/concrete5.6.0.2/concrete/libraries/3rdparty/adodb/ Stack trace: #0 <file system>updates/concrete5.6.0.2/concrete/libraries/3rdparty/adodb/ adodb_throw('mysql', 'EXECUTE', 2006, 'MySQL server ha...', 'SHOW TABLES', false, Object(ADODB_mysql)) #1 <file system>updates/concrete5.6.0.2/concrete/libraries/3rdparty/adodb/ ADOConnection->_Execute('SHOW TABLES', false) #2 <file system>updates/concrete5.6.0.2/concrete/libraries/3rdparty/adodb/ ADOConnection->Execute('SHOW TABLES') #3 <file system>updates/concrete5.6.0.2/concrete/libraries/3rdparty/adodb/drivers/ ADOConnection->MetaTables(false, false) #4 /home/globalne/public_htm in <file system>updates/concrete5.6.0.2/concrete/libraries/3rdparty/adodb/ on line 78

I made the following changes after looking at some other posts:

added the following to index.php

ini_set('mysql.connect_timeout', 600);
ini_set('default_socket_timeout', 600);

added the following to php.ini

max_execution_time = 240

Any ideas ??

seopher replied on at Permalink Reply
What user are you running as? I.e. has the given user been granted access to the show command?

You could try getting the site to run as root temporarily to see if it then works (meaning it's an issue at a user level, rather than a PHP/MySQL level).

There may be execution limits on MySQL itself which you can't override with an ini_set.
globalnerds replied on at Permalink Reply
I don't have root access.

I am running the backup as an admin in c5.

The backup has run in the past. The site has gotten larger and I think that is the reason there is now a problem.