Getting started editing page types

Hi all,

I am new to concrete5 and I am not a developer, just a marketing guy trying to run the new website for our business, which was built for us in concrete5. I have enough HTML/CSS knowledge to usually make the changes I want, or figure how to do it.

What I need is really basic instruction on how to get in there and make small changes to page types/themes/templates in concrete5 without having to call our good but expensive developer every 15 minutes. Not having an HTML editor in the browser CMS is new to me.

Most of the documentation I have read assumes the person reading it already knows how to access the php files and make changes. Please do not overestimate my knowledge of what do do here.


shotrox replied on at Permalink Reply

do you have FTP access to the files?

If so, you can locate the theme folder and you will find the php files in that folder. Send me a PM if you need more support :-)

rabbitDC replied on at Permalink Reply
No, I don't have FTP access.
shotrox replied on at Permalink Reply
you need access to the source files via FTP to make any hard coded changes to the php theme files. Once you get FTP access feel free to contact me and I help you.