GIF not playing

Permalink 1 user found helpful
I'm using Concrete5 version 8.1
I can load GIF in a block and it works WHEN I'm in EDITING mode.
As soon as I Save the block, the GIF hangs.
On this page (my old site in 5.6 version : two GIFs are working (in the middle of the page))
But not on the new version of the site :
This is not relative to the block used and not to the Tabs used because I tried different location of the GIFs
Thanks for your help

JohntheFish replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
On the new site, the v8 core has passed the gif through its thumnbnailer and that has turned it into a jpeg.

The way round this is to use the file manager to look up the URL of the gif and build that into an <img> tag in an HTML block.

<img src="/url/of/animated.gif" >

You may also want to add some sizing or other styles to the tag so it behaved properly within all screen sizes, scaling as necessary.
vlemieux replied on at Permalink Reply
I've tried one of those GIF and it works.