Google Adsense
Can someone help me? I want to make sure I do this correctly and I am not a webmaster.
I want to add Google AdSense to the right side of this page underneath the photo and Dental Month announcement:
I think that all I have to do is go into Edit mode, Add a new block, choose HTML, and paste the Google Adsense code there, close, publish. Then the advertisement should magically appear.
Correct? If not correct, how do I proceed? I want the simplest way. I am not ready to buy the Add-on and do anything complicated yet. Thanks!
Can someone help me? I want to make sure I do this correctly and I am not a webmaster.
I want to add Google AdSense to the right side of this page underneath the photo and Dental Month announcement:
I think that all I have to do is go into Edit mode, Add a new block, choose HTML, and paste the Google Adsense code there, close, publish. Then the advertisement should magically appear.
Correct? If not correct, how do I proceed? I want the simplest way. I am not ready to buy the Add-on and do anything complicated yet. Thanks!