Google Map Block not working

Trying to use this block but get the following error:

This web site needs a different Google Maps API key. A new key can be generated at

So I attempted to get a new API key but I get the same message.

Any ideas?

cssninja replied on at Permalink Reply
First, edit the map and delete old API Key.
Sometimes a few letters can be left.
Next, check if you write correct domain name while generated API Key. Do you have any redirects?
Copy ALL key and paste into the blank field.
It must be OK.
CapaSite replied on at Permalink Reply
Use the V3 of Google Map API and you don't need the API Key.
Mnkras replied on at Permalink Reply
the google map block needs to be re-written for that,
Shotster replied on at Permalink Reply
Yeah, I've been thinking about that for months now. As of May of this year, version 2.x of Google's map API was officially deprecated. It shouldn't be too difficult to update the map block, but I don't currently have the time to do it. :-/

TheRealSean replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
I updated the map block to work without a key,
and use v3,

I am not to sure if I am allowed to post the code up here as its very much a hack of the Concrete google map,

and I have not tested it as I only use this on my sites so it would need lots of tidying up and comments.

Just Enter the address the, location should Geo-Code and return the co-ords, you can then edit the co-ords if you need to(not tested since my last alteration)
tlamb replied on at Permalink Reply
I had the same issue and found that instead of using the google map add on I used the html ad on with a copied code from the 'share' code on google maps.

I typed in the address on google maps and then hit 'share'. It gives you an embed code which you can then resize within the code.

Not sure how this would effect other areas of your project (if any) but this is an option : )
tlamb replied on at Permalink Reply
I meant block, not ad on