Google not seeing Meta Title

I've added properties > custom attribute > Meta Title and Meta Description. When I view the source after I've updated it, it's there. But google is insisting that the Meta Title is blank on my site. It's seeing the Meta Description though... Anybody have this issue or know how to resolve it? The site is

VidalThemes replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply 1 Attachment
Hi there just had a look at the source code of your site, there is an empty title meta tag at the top of the page which it looks like, google is coming to first, there is then a completed meta title tag further down the page, so it looks like you have the title tags hardcoded into your template, delete them and you should be good to go.

Screenshot of empty tag attached
hsmith replied on at Permalink Reply
Perfect! That was exactly the issue! Everything is displaying correctly now.