Google Search Link

When I search my website on Google it says Coming Soon.... and then my site title is there a way I can remove the coming soon?

tallacman replied on at Permalink Reply
Take your site live and tell "G" to rescan your site.
Rbutl011 replied on at Permalink Reply
This may be a dumb question but, what is taking a site live? and how to do it?
tallacman replied on at Permalink Reply
Whats your url? If your site contains a frontpage that says Coming Soon then when google goes there its going to see that and display that in the search results. Do you have content in your site or is it just a Coming Soon page?
Rbutl011 replied on at Permalink Reply
and yes it has content on it
mhawke replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Looks good to me. When I search for "" and click on the first results from Google, I land on your full website. When in doubt, clear your browser cache.

See attached file for what I see in my Google results.