Grant Access Only to Files Users Have Uploaded Themselves problem

Hi, well i need to resolve this. May be somebody have a solution.
When you make all the steps of the video you can see that guest cann`t see the images. iF YOU PUT A FILE UPLOADER GROUP IN FILE MANAGER SEARCH PERMISSIONS the permissions for guest are cancelled.
The only solution that i found somebody did, is override the core model for search_results \concrete\elements\files\search_results.php to elements\files\search_results.php and add an a new if stament inside the foreach loop
$u = new User();
if($u->inGroup(Group::getByName("Administrators")) || $u->getUserName() == "admin" || 
$f->getUserID() == $u->getUserID()){
    $pf = new Permissions($f);
    if (!isset($striped) || $striped == 'ccm-list-record-alt') {
         $striped = '';
    } else if ($striped == '') { 
        $striped = 'ccm-list-record-alt';
    $star_icon = ($f->isStarred() == 1) ? 'star_yellow.png' : 'star_grey.png';
    $fv = $f->getApprovedVersion(); 
    ... cut ...
    <?php  } ?>

then in file manager permissions i`m deleted the file uploader group and add an specified user group, in my case clients.
This allow the user to see the file manager with their own files, and guest can see the images or files that i show like user attributes.
May be somebody have a more elegant solution to resolve this.