gray line from right side bar page type showing in full width page type

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Noob here. I'm not that great with html/css/php. I took the destyle theme and edited it a bit. Before I and edited it and after many attempts when I switch my home page from right side bar to full width it leaves a gray vertical separator line in the content area?
Not sure if this is a css issue or my own issue. This is in the content block area.

Note: please ignore the text itself:
I also have issues getting the tinymce to produce the same results after I apply it. I assume this is due to the style sheet which I have been editing to fix. I will post this as a separate topic.



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MattWaters replied on at Permalink Reply
I'd use something like Firebug to track down what the gray line is, and what it's coming from:

In regard to how stuff looks in TinyMCE, you'll need to edit your theme's typography.css file to get it to match up reasonably well.
da4kinov replied on at Permalink Reply
Have you removed the grey line?
ryanjohnjackson replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Nope, no luck. The line only shows to the exact top and bottom of the block text area.

I have 1 more section of the css to check but it's starting to look like it may not be the main css file. I've basically been commenting out large section back and forth.

Thanks though ;)
da4kinov replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
I've removed it!

#content {
   background:url(images/bk_vertline.jpg) 695px 0 repeat-y;

All about the grey line is located here!
ryanjohnjackson replied on at Permalink Reply
Thanks a lot, works for me ;)
That was annoying.
