Group can't edit, whatever settings I try (simple permissions)

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I've created a user group and am trying to allow those users access to edit pages purely for keeping content up to date. They don't need full access to dashboard etc.

I'm not using advanced permissions but have definitely given that group edit permissions.

However when I log in as a user from this group I cannot see the edit bar.

Can anyone point me towards the no-doubt silly mistake I've made!

I've tried setting page default permissions, clearing cache, task permissions. Can't think what else to try!


mst replied on at Permalink Reply

I've got same problem here! I have also advanced permissions disabeld.

Any Solution?
mrjcgoodwin replied on at Permalink Reply

No I haven't yet fixed this yet. I've got many other C5 installations that work 100% fine, just this one is odd. This is the first new install I've done in a while though so it could be a bug in the current version.

It was a really fast turn around job so I was forced to give out the admin login so client could edit. Not ideal, I'm backing up constantly now as can't limit their access!