
I am using the Bootstrap template. Wondering if:-

a. Can I reduce the font of the <h1> tag; or
b. Alternatively how do I hide it so it does not appear on the page?

Best regards


Crssp replied on at Permalink Reply
For B. You could just add:
H1 {
Display: none;
To the css stylesheet, got a link for the live setup?
justin1barker replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you for your comments. Bing Webmaster SEO tools said I need the <h1> in the header.

After your suggestions I found the following code to hide the <h1> tag:-

<!DOCTYPE html>
h1.hidden {visibility:hidden;}

<h1 class="hidden">Advisers Australia Pty Ltd Immigration & Legal Solutions</h1>

Thanks for your support

Crssp replied on at Permalink Reply
Interesting, I've always used display: hidden.
There are some design considerations, then for whether to use hidden vs none.
Using hidden and the H1 will still retain it's width and height.
Display none removes the space entirely.

I was about to comment, that at least the H1 text is there for search engines to index, but it sounds like barco57 disagrees on it being a good thing.
Blenderite replied on at Permalink Reply
The H is a abbreviation for Heading. 1 is there to tell the browser which heading to use. Therefore, you could try H2, H3, H4, H5, or H6. Each one is a little different. If this doesn't work, you could write a CSS style for it.
barco57 replied on at Permalink Reply
Putting text in the page, and then hiding it with css will only annoy the search engines
justin1barker replied on at Permalink Reply

thanks for your comment. Could you explain it bit more why the search engines will be annoyed by the hidden <h1> tag.

Adreco replied on at Permalink Reply
See Google webmaster support at

Using hidden content to spoof rankings is generally negatively viewed

Some helpful Webmaster "quality guidelines" are found here

Crssp replied on at Permalink Reply
It also says...
However, not all hidden text is considered deceptive. For example, if your site includes technologies that search engines have difficulty accessing, like JavaScript, images, or Flash files, using descriptive text for these items can improve the accessibility of your site.

And any good page should probably have an H1, as long as it's not very long and spammy with a bunch of keyword phrases stuffed in there, I don't see the harm.
One H1 per page is good practice in other words, imo.

Not the best idea to set it to hidden, though agreed there.