Having Concrete5 website in two different languages

Hello All,

I have seen some questions and answers about multilingual issues but I am still not sure I fully understand what I should do especially when the other language is Right to Left...

I have now a website in English with Concrete5 (5.4 version) now, I want to add another language to the website which will be Hebrew which is a Right to Left language. I want the Hebrew website to be similar to the English one (same design, same menu); that means, I need to change the layout of the design to be from right to left and to have the ability to have the option to write in Heberw and have support to Right to Left feture...

Can it be done? how? How should I order the pages in the system?

Thnak you,


wagdi replied on at Permalink Best Answer Reply
You'll want to use the 'Internationalization' add-on- http://www.concrete5.org/marketplace/addons/internationalization/...

Or the Enterprise version -http://www.concrete5.org/marketplace/addons/internationalization-en...

& you may need- http://www.concrete5.org/marketplace/addons/language-manager/...

To change the page design (If you are using version 5.5)-

1. Go the page
2. Hover over 'Edit'
3. Select 'Design'
4. Choose a Page Type