header image not resizing

hello all,

I am having a problem with my header image not resizing.
I am using zenlike 1.0 theme.
I have resized '#headerpic' in the css and have added a picture to the header section using the image block.
When I resize my browser the image does not scale down.
(It does scale down in edit preview mode, but not after I commit to edits)

Am I missing something?
Is there a way to tell the image block to scale the image to 100% as apposed to just max pix's?

(I don't want to hardcode the image into css or html as I want to change the image per page)

Thanks a lot,
first site with c5, and loving it so far.

zoiig replied on at Permalink Reply
you say you've edited it in the "css" if this is the can you can also set "min-width" and "width="100%"" to get it to grow and stretch as you need it...

in order for it not to extend outside the parent DIV you need to set it's attributes to "inherent" and have those width/height features on the parent DIV - then the image will be whatever size you need it too..

in CSS3 you can also apply the "scale" and "clipping" tag - my preference. In this was a random header image will always fit no mater how fluid the design as ratio of width and height remain constant.
mullerconstruction replied on at Permalink Reply
thank you.
for anyone else:
I was trying to accomplish this with #headerpic whereas I needed to change #headerpic img. (zenlike theme)
I added width:100% to this and we're good to go. (I don't know scale or clipping tags)
Thanks for the help.