Header Nav out of div?

Hi there,

i got a problem with my Layout. There is a wrapper in the middle. An image in it has got negative positioning so it is partially outside the box as i wanted to do.
The problem is that the div next to the picture (relative positioning) should contain the auto nav but it isn´t IN the box but OUTSIDE of it?!

What am i doing wrong? Please Help!


King regards and THXIA

guythomas replied on at Permalink Reply
It might be easier if you take your header.jpg and make that the background image of your header content div. Then you could simply float the menu div right..

Fisherment replied on at Permalink Reply
Yes, but the problem is that the header.jpg has to be partially outside the box (left: -290px) which is impossible for background-images.

Fisherment replied on at Permalink Reply
No ideas?
I´m gettin nuts with this...

Mnkras replied on at Permalink Reply
<div class="bgimage">
<div class="content">

Fisherment replied on at Permalink Reply
Sorry, i don't know what you're meaning?
Mnkras replied on at Permalink Reply
basically in css assign the bg image to that class, then stick all your content in the contend div,

make the width of bgimage 100% and the width of content like 1000 or something
Fisherment replied on at Permalink Reply 1 Attachment
Thank you for your help but this doesn't work also..