hello,newbie here,greeting from CA

Its my first time to post on this forum,just wannat make some friends here.if its not allowed to post on this board,please delete this thread.Nice to see you guys here. :)

adajad replied on at Permalink Reply
Welcome to the forums and the world of concrete5 - the most user friendly CMS out there.

If you have any problems with your installation, usage, development or anything else c5 related, then don't hesitate to ask. As a new user you are bound to have questions, and you won't learn anything if you don't ask. You can find loads of good information in forums (just use the search box) and there are people waiting for you in #concrete5 on freenode (IRC).

You will also find valuable information in the 'Documentation' area where I urge you to spend a few hours. Browse through the 'Getting started' and '5.5 Editor's guide' to get a deeper understanding. The how-to section holds tons of nice tips and tricks to get your installation behave as you want.

Once again, welcome!
tallacman replied on at Permalink Reply
Welcome to the best CMS.