Help Changing Colors of Theme

Hi, I mostly dabble in site building as a hobby so have limited knowledge on how to do all the coding but try to teach myself as I go along. So I have been toying around with the Green Salad theme for a few days now and sadly have some beginner level problems that I can't seem to work out on my own.
I am trying to change the green theme to colors of my choice. I have the background and footer figured out. The left sidebar and page are giving my issues. When I change what I am aware of to change for the backgrounds, it is only changing sections of them, rather than the whole thing.
I changed the sidebar to black and the Page to an img, and you can see that they are only partially colored those colors. What other parts of the code do I need to alter to make the entire sections those colors. I have done all my editing in the CSS file.

Here is my site with the funky test colors:

And here is my code minus the footer code:
/* colors 
 * 73880b dark green
 * f4ffd2 light green
 * 69ab2b bright green (links & headers)
 * daf095 med green sidebar backgrounds, header nav
 * 50AAB5 blue for hovers..
/* HTML Tag Redefinition */
html, body {
   height: 100%;
   font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
body {
   padding: 0px;
   margin: 0px;