Help - ERROR MESSAGE while trying to edit (update) website

I am browsing the forums because I had an error message appear while I was trying to edit a website that's been neglected for over a year. My website has disappeared, all I get is text on a white field. (It seems a similar message was talked about in this forum about a year ago.) Here is the error message:

An unexpected error occurred.
mysql error: [1054: Unknown column 'fsDisplayOrder' in 'order clause'] in EXECUTE("SELECT DISTINCT f.fID, u.uName as fvAuthorName FROM Files f INNER JOIN FileVersions fv ON f.fID = fv.fID LEFT JOIN Users u on u.uID = fv.fvAuthorUID left join FileSearchIndexAttributes on (fv.fID = FileSearchIndexAttributes.fID) where 1=1 and fv.fvType = '1' and fvIsApproved = '1' order by fsDisplayOrder asc, fID asc limit 0,1000 ")

I followed the suggestion of going into the dashboard, and was able to get it, but can see no way of reverting to a previous version (which I am happy to do - I would not be losing anything worthwhile of what I was experimenting with today...) Thanks in advance for any help!
VvS for Frank and Danlu

DAkers replied on at Permalink Reply

To revert back to an old version of a page, go into dashboard and then click "Full Sitemap". Click on the page giving you trouble, which I assume is your homepage. Then click "Versions" and click the check box of an older version then click the approve button (should be a button with a thumbs up).
FrankDanlu replied on at Permalink Reply
Thank you for your response. Unfortunately, I still get the same error
message/page. I can get into the sitemap fine, and into the dashboard,

I have to admit I am a designer with limited knowledge of website
development (don't know coding except a few basics) and have no idea what I
did to make this happen -- I've been experimenting most of the day with
making changes, and all was going along just fine! I can access the other
pages of the website, but "home" is gone from the navigation menus, and
when I do a search for the files from the home page, it comes up blank. I
KNOW I didn't delete anything, so it's more than a little troubling! I was
trying to add/update information and in particular a slide show. Have you
any other suggestions.

(aka VvS)
Assistant to FrankDanlu
DAkers replied on at Permalink Reply
Does the home page appear in the sitemap? Are there any previous versions of the home page?
FrankDanlu replied on at Permalink Reply
Hello, and thank you for your response.

Yes, the Home page appears in the sitemap. All previous versions of the
home page are the same - I get some of the text - but none of the images -
and this error message at the bottom.

An unexpected error occurred.
mysql error: [1054: Unknown column 'fsDisplayOrder' in 'order clause'] in
EXECUTE("SELECT DISTINCT f.fID, u.uName as fvAuthorName FROM Files f INNER
JOIN FileVersions fv ON f.fID = fv.fID LEFT JOIN Users u on u.uID fv.fvAuthorUID left join FileSearchIndexAttributes on (fv.fID FileSearchIndexAttributes.fID) where 1=1 and fv.fvType = '1' and
fvIsApproved = '1' and ((select count(fID) from FileSetFiles where
FileSetFiles.fID = f.fID and fsID in (-1)) = 0) and (f.uID = 2 or (select
count(fID) from FileSetFiles where FileSetFiles.fID = f.fID and fsID in
(-1)) = 0) order by fsDisplayOrder asc, fID asc limit 0,1000 ")

When it first appeared, I tried using my browser button to go back - but
got a "page expired" messaged.

Any suggestions are much appreciated!

FrankDanlu replied on at Permalink Reply
Reposting the reply to DAkers response form July 2/13

Hello, and thank you for your response.

Yes, the Home page appears in the sitemap. There are previous versions of the home page listed, but all previous versions of the
home page are the same - I get some of the text - but none of the images - and this error message at the bottom.

An unexpected error occurred.
mysql error: [1054: Unknown column 'fsDisplayOrder' in 'order clause'] in EXECUTE("SELECT DISTINCT f.fID, u.uName as fvAuthorName FROM Files f INNER JOIN FileVersions fv ON f.fID = fv.fID LEFT JOIN Users u on u.uID fv.fvAuthorUID left join FileSearchIndexAttributes on (fv.fID FileSearchIndexAttributes.fID) where 1=1 and fv.fvType = '1' and fvIsApproved = '1' and ((select count(fID) from FileSetFiles where FileSetFiles.fID = f.fID and fsID in (-1)) = 0) and (f.uID = 2 or (select count(fID) from FileSetFiles where FileSetFiles.fID = f.fID and fsID in (-1)) = 0) order by fsDisplayOrder asc, fID asc limit 0,1000 ")

When it first appeared, I tried using my browser button to go back - but got a "page expired" messaged.

Any suggestions are much appreciated!

emmapike31 replied on at Permalink Reply
just wondering if you resolved this and how as I'm getting the same issue as a friend of mine deleted the file set my pages were calling by mistake?